Thursday, April 19, 2007

生命要珍惜 - What is Life ?

What are you doing now? What are you staring at? When was the last time you sit on the green grass and staring on the blue sky? I believe this is a post that I must put up though it has nothing related to our class ... ... NO!! It has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH US !!! We must know !

Few days ago, I remembered that I was cramming my heads into notes. Feeling tired, I grabbed my water bottle out to the corridor to refill and took some fresh air. It was then I saw the newspaper - "Gunman murdered 30 students". I knew I must study for my test but the headline grabbed my attention. Picking the newspaper up and read, to my shock that the gunman was actually a senior from the university itself, killing 32 people before committed suicide. To be honest with you all, fear was the first thing that strikes into my mind. How horrible it can be when someone studying besode you suddenly pulling a trigger towards you? I dare not to imagine that...

Then, sorrow hit me. 32 victims means 32 of sorrowful families. It was really sad. I put down my newspaper, trying to look around. I was at the tutorial room in my academic block. The time was 12am. Few more hours to go, but in my mind I kept on thinking of this. What can upset a man to do these things to other people? To what extend a man can do just to resolve his/her extreme sorrow? I don't know. I just know that for now I'm a student and my responsible is to finish my studies, but what if out of sudden, I become one of the victims? Well, from Maths perspective the probability will be very close to ZERO but in this insane world ? I cannot guarantee...

Life is really short. Do appreciate everything you have. 3 days after that incident, I made my mind to type this out and to voice it out to all the friends I know. DO NOT FALL INTO THE ANGER TRAP. Everything has to be resolved and please talk to your friends! Share it with others, not blowing it to other's head! Kept on following the story, this morning, NBC (American news channel) revealed that between the attacks (there were 2 attacks done by the gunman in the same day in the same compound area) the gunman actually recorded down his last words. To shorten the story (why shorten it? Because my dear friends you gotta prepare for your exam! lmao), I quoted down a short paragraph from website.

"This is it. This is where it all ends," Cho says in one videotape, in which he appears to be more melancholy than angry. "What a life it was. Some life."
Cho, 23, speaks in a harsh monotone in other videotaped rants, but it isn't clear to whom he is speaking.

"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today," he says in one, with a snarl on his lips. "But you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off."

"Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats," says Cho, a South Korean immigrant whose parents work at a dry cleaners in suburban Washington. "Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs. Your trust funds wasn't enough. Your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."

Well, scary huh? Once again, before I am going to post a more shocking picture, let me advise on something more. The next time you are feeling upset, please talk about it. It's nothing more injured than to keep it in your mind. Stress is everywhere, especially in university, but living through it will be the biggest victory in your life!

Okay, here goes the picture. Before he went on his killing spree. He captured this down and mailed it to the news station. I couldn't believe it. Of course, he's trying to grab attention even after his death. Well for sure, you got my attention!! But in a wrong way... ...

Let's pray 1 minute for the victims of this massacre.


Jin said...

he killed a few professors as well.. i think he's really out of his mind... i didnt read thru the whole news bout y he did tat.. mayb i shud go n read up n find out wat's wrong wit him.. coz it's really a sad thing... i cant imagine if i were studying there and he sudd start shooting ppl all around. i think i would just stunt and had no response...
nothing couldnt be solved in our life.. it depends how r we going to face it and how do we look at it from a different angle..
another lesson learnt,life is fragile, appreciate everyone n everything u have...

goodday86 said...

I jz noe this news when i'm bak at kl on 19 really shock me. i couldn't believe this type of thing will happen and the shooter happen to be an asian. i pity him. he let out his anger in a wrong way. being a loner n keep everything 2 himself mayb y he do such a thing. let all of us pray this type of event will nvr happen again n may all d victim including cho seung hui will rest in peace...