Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Battle in NUS

Singapore, what feeling and memory did this country give you?

For me, Singapore is a beautiful developed first-world city state country......
In my memory, Singapore is the foreign country that i visited in my life (1994, I was standard 2)

But, yesterday I changed my memory and history, that was my second time visit to this country, not for tour, but for pride and glory.....

Yesterday, been to NUS Prince George Park, wow, damned beautiful and luxurious, and also saw lots of mat salleh and chinaman. This is what a world ranked 19 deserved......

Yesterday, I took park in Malaysia-Singapore Chinese Debate Champion Competition, actually is a friendly matches, there were 3 universities involved in this "international" arena, i.e. my beloved UM, NUS, and NTU (Boon, ur U)

Yesterday, this was my first time represent my UM and Malaysia as well in my life.....

Yesterday, although I lost to stronger All-China NTU debate team, I won claps......

Friends, wish you guys happy lunar new year and valentine day......
And dun forget our class blog!!! WHERE IS OUR U6S2 SPIRIT!!!!!!!!

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