Sunday, July 30, 2006
=H=O=M=E=S=I=C=K= from sg
For your information, I reached Singapore (a city that I never thought I would end to study at) on last Sunday. Then joining the MSA FOC (Malaysian Student Association Freshmen Orientation Camp) since I got off from the train on Monday. Along these five days, the camp was very nice. I was in a group named GRACIOUL and of course ... keep cheering and cheering and cheering ... ... n playing n playing ... n of course ... ... keep stucking you with bunch of names that you won't remember ... ... AFTERALL, know quite some number of people but still missing those who I gone out to sing K with ... those who going through the HARDEST exam of the world together with me ... ya guys .. i mean YOU ALL !!!
After one week, finally i can tell you more or less what about what I had experienced in Singapore. Now is 3 something in evening (i finished this by 5 something) . I got hall orientation camp actually but I decided not to participate ...
1. I injured my knee so i can fully ultilise this excuse
2. I am not tired ... i am damn tired
3. I am lazy and of course the main reason
4. it costs SGD50 !!!! man !!!
The seniors said it would be much stressful to join hall camp. Hahaha ... so I guess I would just relax a bit... Muscle soreness all over my body ... my hand etc...
Let me tell you more on my last few days ... on Friday (the last day of the FOC) we went to Sentosa Siloso Beach for activities .. it is fun. The entrance for the beach is SGD2 (Singapore charge you on EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!!!) I found my SP (secret partner) hahaha .. it was one of the game where the seniors tried to pair up some couple but it didn't work for me ... haha ... maybe she's an agresive girl ?? hahaha ... Then it went all the night long for closing ceremony until 4am ... ... haha ... (some even went for supper ... ... =.=")
On 8.15am Saturday, I went to check out n check into my fixed new room. It's in HALL ONE in a block far far on the hill ... gosh ... it was then my parents met my seniors and brought them to me. After I got the chance to see my room, I have to catch up to get my medical report .. (hey ... i'm HIV negative !!!!!) ... Really nice to have my parents here with me. ... then after settle the things in my room, we went out for a walk. We got lost (Singapore's traffic quite good ... no jam but very unfriendly to foreigner's car ... maybe they want you to spend much on their public transportation other than driving on your own) . We went through a few highways and finally got to Orchard Road.
Haha, me quite familiar with Orchard Road becoz last time my FOC got AMAZING RACE which one stop is here, that time we need to separate into two groups ... one on the other side of the street and then we need to act and let other people to guess ... guys .. Haha .. it was so fun. It was like you are acting on the street and the tourists and passengers on bus and drivers watching you doing funny actio like gorilla wearing bra n etc ... It's the game I enjoy the most followed by GHOST WALK ... Damn .. I got scared !!!!! They are so real .. bloddy hell. ... they kept the secret (about the ghost walk) so good that no one knows until your turn (we walked two by two - guy n girl)
So my parents got some daily things that i need and walked on the street, too many people ... ... So we dicided to go ... We tried to look for accomodation near my campus but damn .. it was nothing !!! I tell you ... in Singapore .. of course you know the land is too small ... so basically everyone is living in apartment ... high apartment (but clean n nice n they got walking path everywhere and also a small park in every apartment area) and it's like most of them using public transportation ... In Malaysia maybe you can call someone go out yam cha... then you all will drive your cars to mamak stall or restaurant ... but ... here in Singapore ... there are very less space for cars to park. Basically, for those shops n restaurant, they don't even reserve the space for cars (so the customers are those walking, not driving) and one more .. they don't have rumah tumpangan ... ... those are just concentrate in one area like Geylang or City area .. then it's like everywhere is buildings .. buildings n buildings ...
So my parents stay with me in my block n room ... since my room mate hasn't got home so we actually wanna sleep on his bed ... but it's just merely half hour ... he got home and so my parents went back ... haihz ... ... i dunno leh ... ... after so many time ... i feel like home is home ... and i wanna sing Michael Buble's 'HOME' ... ... I WANT TO GO HOME ~~~~ haih .. really homesick leh ... ... i wanna quote a few sentence from my diary that i wrote the first day i reached here ...
"但是, 这种"想家"的念头有涌出了。很想听到妹妹弟弟的问题。我以后回家一定要有耐心地聆听和回答,因为我以后不知能否再听到你们的问题。我将错失他们的童年,而他们的童年将会少了一个哥哥。"
i'm planning to go home on 2nd September ... dunno lah ... ... but feel like wanna go home ... now everyday i also write diary ... ... haha .. maybe now too free ... online also dunno do what so i blog ...
Let's stop the homesick thing ... let me explain how's the lifestyle here ... hmm.. maybe i'll just talk about food ... the food here can say very expensive ... depends on where you eat .. of course if you convert the currency then of course it is much more expensive than your food in Malaysia ...
For now i only select those under SGD3 as my meal ... so far I tried SHAO ROU FAN SGD2.50, WANTAN MEE SGD2.50, MIXED RICE SGD2.00-2.30, and very few i bought drinks ... .. juz one can of lemon tea costs SGD0.80 .. ... maybe for now i'm not used to the currency yet ... ... haha .. one plate of rice RM5.00++++ ?!?!?! hahahaha ... maybe later i'll eat the SGD3.50 chicken chop hahaha .. not so fast ... but going outside .. it is a nightmare ... yesterday i ate KFC together with my parents at Orchard ... DARN ... ... the 3pcs chicken set costs 8 dollars (RM8.00 in Malaysia n same here too .. just the difference of currency) ...
Oh ya .. i got KUOK Foundation Half Loan Half Grant award, it is one of the motivation to make me to stay strong here ... hope to see you all soon, I am planning to come back on 2nd September ... but not too sure ... anyway ... good luck to you all ...
(duration to finish this post : 2 hours++)
The United Science 2
At last I managed 2 find a GOOD plaace 2 study!!!!!!!! My nex room is a single room & a 1st yr medic student live there…..she’s my kadazandusun language classmate……she so GOOD!!!!!!!..she let me srudy in her room!!!!! v’ll b studying 2gd erydy… PEACE at last!!!!!!!!...
Can post tis blog!!!!!!! Duno y sudd my username & password din match!!!!!! Haih…
Neway in UMS u mus safe erythg u 1 2 post in blog @ msg u 1 2 send in email o frenster in ur com, all else RISK it is LOST!!!!!!!!... duno y they r so ma fan…. Erytime u 1 2 open ANY website @ new page in d same website the pg askin 4 username & password will KACAU u!!!!!!!..tis is d time erythg u did earlier r LOST!!!!!!!...y so stewpid 1!!!!
p/s: type at 3.34pm on 26/7
The United Science 2: July 2006
haih......vr farn!!!!!!!!! shud i take credit hrs as recommended o mo?????????........still vr bz wif add&drop course.....stewpid UMS!!!!!change time atble suka hati they all oni...
v d student tat suffer cos nd 2 rearrange d time table again!!!!!!!!!!...if clash hv 2 drop n add other sub tat r not clash wif d registered sib...haih...
my course compulsory me 2 take ok i lyk it...but get scare wen i heard wat my test on swimin is goin 2 b!!!!!!!!
1)200m frestyle
2)dive fr d 1st platform(3rd floor)
3)saty afloat for 5 mins w/0 any device
4)recover obj at bein purposely drop at bout errrrr 4get hw deep...
pls brin bookshop here!!!!!!!!!!...i still haven purchase any of my uni book!!!!!!!...still waitin 4 d book 2 b send 2 here!!!!!!!...
sabah ppl very 'yao han'....o shud i say DAMN SLOW in ERYTHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....u'll get really piss off wen u see hw tehy work!!!!!! at tehre will kill u!!!!!
d salary 4 full time is muc muc lower than part time in kl!!!!!!!!!...dun expect they serve u wen u walk in2 a shop(except giordano so far)....gud oso...u gt ur time
philipino here vr scary!!!!!!!!!...tat day ck n i reali scared by them.....v bought 1 type of fruit called buah salak...mayb they tink vr tourist...aft v bought d
fruit fr a stall 1 philipino woman com 2 us n ask us 2 buy sea ok still...but sudd she wave 4 her memba...sudd many of them start comin n show all d seafood
dangling fr their hand 2 us(e.g salty fish...)..v scare until quickly across d road.....thenhv 2 across d road again 2 buy our fruits futher down d street!!!!!!
uni life vr scary!!!!!!!!!...lot of assignment!!!!!!!!!..i hv 1 due nex fri.......but i hv no book!!!!!!!!!!...haih!!!!!!!
food suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but nvm....goin out wif ck out campus 2nite 4 dinner.....
i had my college bus............never b puncture!!!!!!!!!!!...hw i wish my coll bus lyk ck...many!!!!!!!!...she has d bestn most services!!!!!!!
poor me, keny & maw!!!!!!!!!!!!..wuwu!!!!!!!....
how i wish i hv wifi in my room!!!!!!!!!!!....erytime mus go 2 d library if 1 2 on9!!!!!!!!!haih!!!!!!!!!
wen ru u ppls comin here????????????...miss u all lots!!!!! (shud i say nowhere else) very hard 2 gt fren lyk those in u6s2.....
sure u all know maw goin 2 hv his car by nex week rite????????? heaven 4 me........
1)my stewpid bus
2)my roommate!!!!!!!!!!!!! roommte....she is ok!!!!!!...but d problem occurs wen her fren com 2 visit her!!!!!!..tehy talk vr matter ur studyin o sleepin!!!!!
they lack d ability 2 contorl their voice & feel ashamed of themselves& concerned bout other ppl!!!!!!!!...i thought is vr natural if u see som1 is studyin n sleepin 2 keep
ur voice 2 d minimum!!!!!!...wat ahppen 2 these ppl??????????...but if i asked them they'll slow down....dun tehy get d hint!!(tat theh r noisy n i felt annoy wen im studyin n sleepin)......tat day wen i asked they r ok(they know they r noisy)...but is all over again d nex day.....tat mean i nid 2 ask them erytime!!!!!!
haih!!!!!!!!!...luckily maw has car.......plannin 2 study till late in d library then go bac oni 2 sleep!!!!!!
p/s: tis blog was typed & tried billion times 2 b posted on 22/7 5.08 pm, BUT oni managed 2 post it nw bcos of my UMS ‘EXCELLENT!!!!!!!’ server……
UMS oso ‘KINDLY’ lost 1 of my blog!!!!!!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Last weekend, I made my registration in two UM ‘underground’ societies; don’t be so worry, it is definitely not political bodies. But, both of them are worldwide society.
Firstly, Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association (慈濟大專青年聯誼會). I think mostly of you had heard about Tzu Chi Foundation, it is a society that highly focuses on community service and humanistic outreach, especially medical, educational, and disaster relief. This society was founded by a Taiwan Buddhist nun, called Master Cheng Yen 40 years ago.
Oklah…. Straight to the main point, Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association is one of it prominent suborganiations. Throughout the world, there are more than 100 universities and colleges of 40 countries have this youth society, including most of Malaysian and Singaporean universities and colleges. Besides humanism service, Tzu Chi Youth also will organize some international interaction programs occasionally.
Last Sunday, I joined their fresher day at KL branch of Malaysian Tzu Chi at Kelana Jaya, its really fun and touching, especially they let us viewed those meaningful videos. As its mother body, Tzu Chi Youth also focus on a lot of social charity works, for example home caring, visit handicap house, recycling campaign etc etc. I think that mahasiswa and mahasiswi not only study for his or her CGPA everyday, but also have to use some time to care about our society, because mahasiswa is eye of society.
Ahh…. Tzu Chi Youth of Malaysia is going to hold a camp 生活营from 22 – 24 September at Malacca branch, I daresay that it is absolutely a wonderful experience in taking part it since there are a lot of things you going to learn in this camp. This is what my seniors have told me. Whoever is interested in it, please call:
UM 03-79581714
UPM 03-89480268
UTM 07-58584066
UMS 088-230602
UKM 03-89221577
MMU 012-4091681
TARC 03-61852786
And that’s all, if any question, please refer to me. Hope to see you there.
Secondly, the Navigators SPICE. You might ask what’s on earth is this? Emm… I think someone would know, especially Christians. Yeap, this is indeed a Christian society. Tell you guys a little story in UM, since UM is a so called ‘top U’ in our nation, so it is normal that you can see a lot of mat salih or foreigners walking around the campus, they may be lecturers, professors or students. The story begins at this Tuesday:
After finished that confusing Probability class (my luar jabatan subject), my friend and I just sitting at the dataran sains of faculty for a rest. Two minutes later, don’t know this is called ‘yuan fen 缘份’ or not, there were two white people or Caucasians came to me, at first, I was quite shocked and nervous since I has a little bit of xenophobia.
They just asked whether I willing to have a short conversation with them or not, in order to show the friendliness of
Frankly saying, it is quite difficult to get their words because of their native accent or slang. Although English and American are using same language, but their speaking accents are quite far from each other. But, anyway, this is a great opportunity to enhance my English speaking level.
This afternoon, I alone even had a lunch with them. Haha. What will be happened when the east meet west?!?!
Aaarrrggghhh……. I had already become an activities-crazy…..
Besides above, I already joined;
- PTUM pesta tanglung AJK
- PBCUM Chinese language society, I joined debate team and singer training class (I took guitar class)-- yao lan shou 摇篮手, do you guys know Lin Yu Zhong 林宇中? He also came from hereleh.
- PBUM Buddhist society, I joined meditation and English dharma class. And also AJK of vegetarian stall during August Graduation Convocation.
- Last but not least, PBSM persatuan balik setiap minggu, haha....
Oh my god!!! Now, seriously I am quite worrying on my CGPA. Emmm, dear Kemmaw, this is my answer, so do I make sense? But I will try my best to help you.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
About Madam Lee Kim See :-}
Can u upload da Pn Lee's (practical Chemistry), da Experiments reports we did in the lab to this blog??? If "fang bian" only upload wor.....
But if can as soon as posible wor....
Thanks Thanks alot ya...
There is 1 story I need 2 tell u all guys d….laugh ur head off when u hear this la.
On last sat, 22nd July 2006, 4 of us go 2 Kingfisher(KF- a residential site 4 UMS students outside of campus) 2 eat d food v long time din eat :Chinese food. 4 of us meet at our library n then go 2 our ‘heaven’ with d heart 2 enjoy our self n retreat from de scary food v eat at cafeteria. V wait 4 quite sum time 4 our bus….finally our bus 2 KF arrive…when d driver of de bus open d bus door, he show us d signboard of KF then change 2 E, then C n other kolej kediaman sign board ( 4 d ppl tat not sure wat I mean by signboard of KF…. In UMS, d destination of bus is shown by de signboard placed in front of d bus). When v make it clear tat d bus is going 2 KF, v board d bus n head 4 our destination-chinese food. Finally v arrive at there n v follow 3 of kem maw n kenny course mate 2 eat cos 1 of them is living at KF.
V go 2 eat at a restaurant called Ichiban Restaurant. V ordered fish fillet, fried chicken fillet(wif mayo on top), choi sam, seaweed soup n salad prawn. All of us eat happily there, satisfying our suffering stomach. When all us finish eating, v go 2 a supermarket nearby 2 survey d price of our daily needs. At bout 8.50pm, v go 2 d bus stop 2 for d bus. When v come tat time v hear 1 malay girl say tat d last bus will b at 11pm. So v jz b cool wif d time la, not worrying bout no bus. V wait n wait at d bus stop.. Many ppl past by n look at us weirdly. 4 of us jz keep on chatting n chatting. Then 2 of kem maw n kenny ‘s fren join us 2 wait 4 d bus. V keep on waiting.
While v r waiting tat time got 1 guy riding motorcycle passed by quite a lot of time, kem maw even c him laughing at us….by tat time v r doubting r there any bus coming cos ady pass d time d bus shud come…. 2 of km n kenny ady go back cos their fren come n tumpang them but 4 of us still waiting 4 tat stupid bus. V getting more worried cos d bus inside our campus oni run until 10pm! ( tat time ady nearing 10pm).... out of nowhere, 2 of our other fren come 2 d same bus stop…TELLING US TAT THERE SHUD B NO MORE BUS!!!!!...OH MY GOD…how r v going back if there is no more bus???...then d 6 of us jz discuss on how r v going back….
V r ‘lou tim’ by tat malay girl tat there is still bus at 11pm… how angry n worried r v at tat time….at de same time v feel so STUPID….wait 4 an hour without knowing there is no more bus. A lots of ppl jz pass by n look at us n 4 sure thinking why this 4 ppl sit there waiting 4 NTG!! … d guy I mentioned above who ride a motorcycle n pass by quite lot of time come back n one of us asked him r there any bus coming…. 2 our disappointment v r hit with d truth tat really,100% comfirm there is no more bus will come 2 fetch us….HAHA….how funny r v…then d guy who is our senior offer 2 help(dun think tat he fetch us 1 by 1 with his motorcycle la). He going 2 help us 2 rent a car so tat v can go back 2 our hostel…. This good Samaritan finally back with a white KANCIL… think how r 6 of us (3 girl n 3 guy) going 2 fit into a kancil. 7 ppl including d senior in a small kancil….really a record breaking feast… v cramped into d kancil wif no other choice.
Tat senior happen 2 b from KL, n his younger sister know kem maw, this world is really very small!!... he sent us back 2 our hostel 1 by 1 until all of them go back 2 their respective hostel safely. Me n another girl who is my ex-roommate r d last cos our hostel r d farest…he offer 2 show us around d campus since d car was rented 4 2 hours….v take a round n look at my school at nite(he is my senior-food science n nutrition). When v r back at my hostel parking. 3 of us chat 4 another hour. Talk bout everything bout campus…de horrible side n oso guide on my course…he gv 2 of us many advises…finally at 12am I go back 2 my room…. Damn tired at tat time… take my bath n go 2 sleep.
This sat is really my 1st unforgettable day since d day I arrive at Sabah, after d 1st day tat I nearly lost my luggage… I really feel stupid cos v jz wait 4 a non- arriving bus for hours…. A really good lesson for 4 of us.-nvr go out when v r not sure of d schedule of de bus…
Monday, July 24, 2006
Hey it's me !!
So now finally i got a rest from the non-stop administration stuff. It's dirty and smelly over my body since I haven't taken bath for almost 24 hours ... Gosh ... where should I start ?? Let me start with what's in front of me fascinated me for 2 minutes (yup.. i was stunned for 2 minutes) There are about 400 computers at level 2 and level 4 of Lee Wee Nam Library. And i'm using one of them now. Why so free ? Please ... I had been doing things non-stop and not getting a good sleep.. all thanks to KTM ...
Last night, after separated with my family on 9.45pm (which i saw my sister cried..) i walked into the endless long train ... xxxx it's too long that i afraid the train would start without me on board... then seeing Suet Leng on my next seat calm me down after i saw my sister cried... i dunno... maybe suddenly i realised that i couldn't see them in short time... haha ... become emotional again... so it's good to have her to talk with during the long long 10-hour journey.....
We were not getting a good sleep.. of course.. i knew it from my past experience.. so i've prepared for it. Just didn't expected that I got no time to rest the moment i stepped into this new territory. First time got checked by the custom, got big dogs... afraid people put drugs into my luggages so i got them checked a few times before i really got off from the train... hey .. it's death penalty man ! need to check de ah !!
After that, we got our seniors waiting and got the small bus to bring us to our temporary hostel. After checked into my temporary room with my 'temporary room mate', we got to go on to do our admin stuff. I didn't even have the chance to brush my teeth til now n later... (HARGH~~~ ~~~) About the admin stuff ... gosh ... i need to do many stuff including medical check-up... ... ... first time i ... i ... i ... ... when i asked others whether they need to do THAT but they said their doctor didn't ask them to DO THAT ... so i was like .. HAR ?? THEN HOW COME THAT DOCTOR ASKED ME TO DO THAT ?? Hmm... i got asked the doctor of course WHY HE NEED ME TO DO THAT .. he said if something wrong need to do surgery.. and he said i'm fine.... so i trusted him.. anyway he didn't take any picture so i'm not AFRAID... juz weird ABOUT THAT ... =.=" of course dun ask me WHAT'S THAT !!! USE YOUR BRAIN !
Then i had my lunch (i din have breakfast) ... juz mixed rice ... 'GU LOU YOK' (pork) and TAUGEH and TAOGOK ... SGD2.00 ... ... hmm.. ok ok lah ... ... so today i burn a lot of my fats... then i went to ORCHARDS ... the city to do my X-RAY by bus.. so good first day can go to city already.. have a quick look... clean n nice, but I haven't felt anything friendly. On the way return i slept... ... too tired.. but overall the people i met in NTU are very nice... the staff are easily apporachable n friendly.
So after whole day of doing administration stuff... my seniors said that he cannot bring us back to our room yet coz afraid later cannot find us again. So we need to wait until the next programme in late evening til night.. YIAK !!! Means no bath for more than 24 hours !!!!!!! The senior good, he said nothing to do so bring us to this library so that we can use one of the 400 PCs here ... ... sounds 'chuan' huh ? haha
i walked around... not bad, will love this place soon. Til then, c ya ! TTFN ... Miss you all...
News from Nanyang
I'll make all these my strength. To be stronger. Til the day we meet again !!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
KenNzo saying Hi from UMS ~ Part #1
When the bus came into UMS - I was REALLY REALLY HAPPY & EXCITING! (not only myself, perhaps all of us) . Why? cause all the buildings were absolutely NEW & magnificant! including our hostels of course!! But then the SCARIEST & most disappointing thing happened to bother me - When I got my temporary room number for MSM, I can't wait to go into my room and have a look! So I just went there and DDDDDENG!!!!~~ Guess what? I almost fainted!! it was soooo TERRIBLE I tell you!!! [the room condition] . As the saying goes "Don't judge the book by its COVER" . The outerside of hostels is nice, clean, new.... BUT! the innerside of it, DAMN MAN!!! [it's smelly, stink! it's dirty like HELL! it's not in good arrangement, my mattress and pillow is DAMN DIRTY - Fulled of stains!!! brown-and-nearly-black colour!!! and my cupboard is LOCKED by someone! plus a free BIG HOLE at the ceiling just above my bed!!! MAN! ] my nightmare!
ok, thats just my intro on my journey to UMS. There's sooo many more to tell !! haha... but cant finish all in one post! about the BEI MA DANG - I guess I need not to tell. [thx to Kem Maw] hehe. so I guess I need to do my revision now.. Cause Kem Maw is studying beside me now... - Cannot be lazy already! so seeya guys!! stay tune for the nxt part!
WAke ME up wen sept comes!!!


Saturday, July 22, 2006
Get set ...
I've tried to change the skin and the template for this blog but it din work. Luckily I could still change this back. So I think the most I can do is to edit a bit so that this blog looks clean and kemas a bit a bit.
I am going liao... so see you guys.
Varsity students tell of heckling and intimidation
PETALING JAYA: Students from three public universities say they were bullied when trying to help new students during the recent orientation session.
At a press conference yesterday, students from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and University Malaya (UM) gave accounts of how representatives of their various organisations, were heckled, shouted at and chased away when they went to help new students.
UPM's Students Progressive Front (SPF) coordinator and student Ooi Tze Min, 22, described how some 50 members of the ruling student body allegedly humiliated him and six others in one of the canteens.
The SPF had set up a counter to assist new students but was told to leave because they were not recognised by the university and its student body.
A three-minute video clip of the incident has been making its rounds on the Internet.
There are also pictures of Ooi pasted at bus stops around the university with a caption blaming him for the student unrest.
“All we wanted to do was to help new students in financial difficulties, and getting the used to their new surroundings and bus routes,” Ooi said.
“We did not do anything wrong, yet we were shouted at and bullied,” he added.
Ooi admitted that the SPF was not a registered body with the university, but felt that the issue was in how they were treated.
“The students could have acted professionally and just told us nicely that we should leave, and not turn it into an ugly situation by surrounding us, behaving like gangsters and shouting at us,” he said.
In UM, Wong Teck Chi, described how three members of the UMANY association were bullied after identifying and helping new students at the 12th residential college.
“Our members had their bags taken and were prevented from leaving by college and student affairs officers,” he said.
He said they had reported the incident to the safety department.
In USM, Lee Huat Seng claimed that university officials had told first-year students on July 12 not to participate in any SPF activities the next day.
“The authorities threatened students with cancelling their PTPTN loans if they were found attending such activities,” he said.
The Star 22-7-2006
Ok, here is my personal story. It happened on last tuesday, I were invited to join a small gathering of UMANY (UM's association of new youth) at a mamak stall inside my refugee camp. I got to know those seniors of UMANY because I have attended their seminar before entered UM, so it is very normal that they wanted to know how well my life in the campus, frankly, we didn't touch on those campus politic stuffs. After the gathering, few seniors from so called "Pro-campus party" came in and looked worrying. They immediately explained these and that, what what UMANY is an "anti-government" societylah, what what support the "Pro-campus"lah and blah blah blah etc etc. They seems trying to brainwash us, insulted UMANY blah blah..... really ridiculous..... sigh sigh sigh.-report from UM-
BooNBoX : I prefer you all to provide info from your personal experience such as the second verse from this post (Kai Yit's experience at the canteen, please not to extract verse/quotes from newspaper into your post since it is long, i know it is news and you wanna let everyone know but you can post it in comments later, in post just write your feelings ok ? More on personal feelings + experience since I don't want this blog to smell "political" .. ok ?? sorry if offended kai-boy- ... ... haha
Kaiboy the Kaitechz: It's really offensive~~~!!!! haha~~~ okokloh... politic-free, racism-free.... but since we already mahasiswa, and "mahasiswa is eye of society", should we really have to close one or even two eyes on those smelled "political" stuffs??!! I am not going to alfraid to that idiotic unhumanism AUKU!! emm.... for those who successfully fleed from the tentacles of AUKU, I strongly urged you guys comments on this issue...
Friday, July 21, 2006
kenny's sms
so stay tune guys!! I'll write & post some beautiful pics from sabah soon k ??
kem maw reports all the way from Sabah
Not cheating!!!really very busy that u all kenot imagine…
for the ist week i at here, i was full of stressness....
1st, kenny and i had been bullied by a gang called "BEI MA DANG"(NORTH MALAYSIAN GANG). they said we from kl dunno hw to make joke...then they all thought i dunno Hokkien(because they ask me then I said dunno) then they ejek us badly in hokkien...when we are having our lunch, they speak very loud that they dun 1 to join people from kl(that means kenny n i).that time chee kuen n sue yee not wif us because we hv been separated by our campus in order to go in to the hall.(Luckily hariharan stand to us n help us)
at that time i also cannot meet others friends because the minggu suai mesra, the time is very pack. we dun even have time to rest.
my roomate for the 1st week is 1 of the member of the "BEI MA DANG".he called me up when i m sleeping for only ask a question"can i switch on the light to sleep?" he is also a dirty person. he came from kedah. he didn't wash his clothes for 1 week n he jz hang his clothes as if the room is him. very stinky!haih.n he is also a very fat fat guy!!!
luckly nw, kenny, hariharan and i r staying 2gether at 1 room nw. we change within our roomates 2gether by ourselves..but there are still some members of "BEI MA GANG" are still stay inside the university campus but some of them are transfered out to very far away from the university...
by the way, the last day of Kenny n I stay 2gether wif da “bei ma gang”, they only know we r richer than them very much.haha. when I told them my mum r going to buy a car(only kancil) to me, THEY WERE SHOCKED!!!HAHA!(because they came from kampong). They faster 1 to join us to talk n smile with us. WE DUN 1 TO “CHOY” THEM!!Besides, when Kenny using his laptop, 1 of the gang talk to Kenny for friend. He said: “wah”, then……. Ask many question…but, Kenny jz said, this laptop is very expensive, if u 1 to buy the cheap cheap 1, u better buy acer. Jz 1 sentnce, 1 SENTENCE, wah, Kenny so geng. Then the guy know we dun 1 to choy them he jz went away. Because he know that I know Hokkien as well.(the last day I jz talk very loud using Hokkien in front of the gang. They SHOCKED!! By the way, their MUET only got Band 2 n Band 3 only!!!hw can university accept them n gv them study the course of “Fizik n elektronik”????
Next week my car will reach. Chee kuen, sue yee, Kenny n i will be 2gether everytime. Hehe. When the member of gang ask 1 to tumpang, I sure said my car is only for KL people(like what I m hoping nw), sure lanxi them n tell them not for Bei Ma gang!!haha
well, the university here is very new, beautiful and big.the price of the food and things are also cheap.but the things imported from kl and semenanjung malaysia is very expensive.
for example, the banana wif big n beautiful sold here is only RM1 or sometimes can get RM 0.80.haha
the "xiu gai yik" here is only RM1 per 1.
the coconut water wif da bao only RM 0.50.
but the bread here more expensive then kl RM 0.20. that means RM 1.90 per 1.
Luckily nw, sue yee, chee kuen, Kenny n I every day can meet each other at 24 hours online area in library. We spent our whole day at there whenever we r free to do revision.
See u all. I wil post nextime…(if my English not so good, sorry…)Bye!
안녕하세요 from UM
Aik... aik.... aik.... my dear poor UM..... ok, lets start my SHOOTING!!!!!
This is my 3rd week struggling in UM, emm....actually nothing special happened here, just only yesterday night my friend's room doorlock spoilt, couldn't unlock and open the stupid door after going bath, immediately look for the technician, but tak tau mana dia pergi..... so, in this case, we have to DIY... using every kind of taekwondo, kung fu, karate.... etc etc in order to break the door. Thanks to a malay's leg, BANG!!!!! finally we broke it!!!
Suddenly I hate Dutch. I’m wondering that how I’m going to survive in his super-damned boring kuliah, not only because of his Holland’s tune and slang, but also his lecturing method. All the day, it just like talking to himself, besides that, he also talked so detailed in those ancient sciences, such as those Babylonian and Greek mathematic and that stupid geocentric concept (I really fell asleep that time), most scary is he did mention that he wanna have a test of those for us…. Oh my god….
Emm… as you known, every kolej has their Chinese Community a.k.a. CC, that functions to protect the interest of Chinese residents and promote the interaction among Chinese. In addition, every junior has his or her family…. Haha…. Quite special… the only thing, ‘sister’ is extremely rare in my kolej!!!! So sad~~~!!!
I don’t know whether this is beneficial or risky, I had put myself into too many activities, but those seniors always have a same saying, that is ‘university life is like that one, have to be richness’. Nevertheless, I still have to take consideration on it seriously, because my dream is wanna get the kepujian degree, or even also got think about postgraduate study…..
Oklah… talk about some HOT current issue that have connected every mahasiswa and mahasiswi of
Do we really need this subject (or book) which its contents are full of those controversial and sensitive incident that happened in our Malaysian journal??
Do we need to read a biased personal point of view that could mislead our thinking???
Do we need a book that entirely whitewashed our history????
Is it any different from Japanese action on their history textbook?????
What is the conspiracy behind it??????
Is it a propaganda tactic of Barisan Nasional and UMNO???????
Why Jawatankuasa rayuan persatuan-persatuan cina (Suqiu) during 1999 general election is labeled as EXTREMISTs????????
Is 513 tradegy necessary to be taught in order to bring national integration to every mahasiswa?????????
Could this subject promote integrasi nasional??????????
Fortunately, our dear Pak Lah has ordered to withdraw all the books…..
Another thing is USELESS UN!!!!! Strongly opposed Israeli military action on
-Report from the 8th Refugee Camp of UM-
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Wai Jin in Singapore NUS !!!
ok journey to singapore is short la.. then to NUS also quite fast.. the 1st time i open my room when i checked in i nearly pengsan.. berbau hapak.. then i think.. y so dirty one... -.-"
but then after cleaning up.. feel very nice d.. my room is facing east.. dem.. cannot sleep late every morning.. n my room is so special.. isolated at the corner.. but very nice also la.. facing grass.. hahahhaha
but very scary.. coz now is holiday.. so not many ppl in the hostel.. night time the hostel macam haunted.. no ppl de.. then the toilet use sensor one.. got ppl go in oni switch on d lights.. then mandi sampai separuh, tiba tiba no lights pulak.. shocked man.. but the toilets very clean.. got toilet paper.. n very big... got free water heater,free using washing machine.. very nice
the lock is very high tech.. no need to use key de.. a transponder...
but very dangerous.. like anyone also can enter the hostel.. no guard etc..
generally environment here is nice.. shuttle bus service is very convenient... and tepat masa.. n very nice bus also..
the university is ok also la.. but as for my faculty.. i havent visited yet.. will report when my class starts.. everyone take care la k... :)
Sue Yee saying SORRY ...
Sue Yee reports ... Arriving at Sabah !
had very bad bad experience(chee kuen omos ‘lau ma liu’…cry!!!)….1 2 know y??som stewpid malay guy wrongly(not accidently) took her luggage(main luggage)!!!!!!...if she cant get it heya……how’s u guys/gals doin??????? till now…..
b4 tis I had lots & lots 2 tell u ppls……but once im here…gt writin block..
ooopss!!!...shud I say typin block?????......
fr d 1st day chee kuen, kenny, maw & I arrived v adi bac she’ll b sehelai sepinggan(hope gt d peribhs correct)..tat cutie girl din put xtra clothes in her hand carried bag..haih…nex time mus do so o!!!...cos scare ur luggage is dealayed/lost…bac 2 d ‘wu long’ was he!!!!!!...luckily ck found it…poor girl..hv 2 search among all d freshies outside d airport(ery1 adi lined up 2 registered & gt ready 2 board buses provided by UMS..2 fetch us 2 d uni…tx UMS!!!!)…while v 4 & hariharan wif his fren hv 2 deal wif d airport officer bout d luggage….tx hari!!1 tx 2 ur fren as well……okokbac 2 d story again…when ck approached d guy tat ook her bag…damnfarnie(angry)…he jus reply ya ar???...sommo din say SORRY!!!!!..haih…
on d way 2 UMS vr surprise by how Sabah look lyk…diff fr wat v expect!!!!!.not as fa bac as v used 2 tink…..many sites r under developing!!!!!...but if u 1 2 gt anythg …is so difficult!!!!....esp BOOKS!!!!!!!!..make me tink of kl badly!!!!!....somthg farnie…over
here no gardenia bread..actually gt but dif packin & taste perhaps!!!!!!...but they hv gardenia drink!!!!!!
my room….erm quite big!!!!!...actually it’s a tutorial room…but they change it 2 room….d room I suppose 2 hv gt NOTHING!!!!!! oni 4 beds w/o any mattress n furniture….oni rangka katil!!!!
Ck college vr gud… cyber café….kedai runcit n erythg wic my college n kenny n maw dun hv……haih… u gud lah….but her college vr afr away!!!!!!
My institute is damn far far away……but vr nice!!!!!!...jus beside d sea!!!!!!!! college bus real suck!!!!!!!!....y in my wholr life I nid 2 wait 4 d bus lyk hell!!!!!!
(sori ar too many ‘see man ‘ words!!!!!!)…..2 angry ady…..
oklah …talk 2 muc ady…till v meet nex time…..
my dearest frens out there at erywhere….pls take care of urself & enjoys yr uni/college life!!!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Chee Kuen rocking in Sabah !
at 1st i got lots to talk 1 but dunno y now dunno 1 2 talk wat...but there is sumthing need 2 tell u all b4 hand,kota kinabalu is not as outdated as v all thought althought here is not as nice as kl but all de basic thing oso got here...
i nvr think here will hv a popular bookstore...regret tat i did not bring my popular card along... here got 1 place tat hv many branded shops like mng, vincci, u2,union bay, elle, nike, giordano n others la. this place is called centre point. here got 1 very popular thing is tat there is lotz of department store..inside 1 plaza mayb u can find like 2,3 different department store. A different shopping experience from kl la.
Goods that sell here is far more exp than kl. u wan 2 eat a bowl of noodle oso cost u bout rm5.50 more rm3.50 a bowl of noodle here... really kill me when 1 2 eat here. But de price of vegetable is really cheap, rm1 u can get 1 big plastic bag of sawi..enuff 2 eat 4 a week!!!
My room is 4 2 ppl oni. i share wif an indian girl from kedah...very nice girl who can speak MANDARIN... really shock me when she talk mandarin 2 me(even better than me ah) room in on 3rd floor. inside got oni a bed n a table tat include ur cupboard . no mirror in my room...too 1st 2 week i'm here is very hot but this 2 days de weather become more windy...but de lecture room is freezing cold....need 2 bring extra clothing everytime go kolej kediaman is called kampung E, there is kg A,B,C n D. kenny n kem maw live in B then sue yee in C. 3 of them very near oni but i am de most far away...walk oso tired ///
ppl here bahan love lada hitam la...everything oso with lotz of lada or else it is very salty. gv up ady with de food.. tat all from me reporting from UMS,Sabah. will write again when got time n hv time 2 go 2 de beautiful island n beaches here in sabah n write all de wonderful experience to share wif u all.
Miss u all in peninsula...bye for now
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
SuSin watching turtle in Kustem
actually wanted to post the pics we took during farewel..but gosh~ very busy.. the distance frm my dorm to library is very very very far...... so cant on9 so frequently and update stuff.. i dunu how and where to start bout my life here.. but 1 word is enuf... DUnu... lol..... eh.. i made 1 slideshow wif our pics!!!.. so nice.. im missing u all so much wen im looking bac those pics.. so warm.. and *whisperin*.. [i menitis air mataku..abit la.. while doin it] so i so miss u all.. got miss me ma?? ok la... tis is jus a short msg to tell u all... tat im still alive here... surviving.. i'll do a nice post later on ok? wait and c ya *^-^*
oh ya oh ya... im goin to hAf a trip to pulau bidong soon!!tell u all about d details later.. stay tuned yea.....
Friday, July 14, 2006
Hi, everyone~~~~ how are you guys doing??? It must be much more better than me!!!! Ok, now, I would like to talk about my 2 weeks experience in this so called ‘top U’ of our nation. First of all, the haluansiswa week was quite impressive, it is indeed a sweet memory though quite tough for certain times, especially have to sleep at 2 or 3 morning and wake up at 5. All of us were keep on practicing the cheer throughout the day and night, it was so exhausted, the only purpose of doing those was you can show your kolej’s ‘greatness’ or strength when all kolej students gathered at dewan for listening those taklimats, truthly, that moment really impressed me greatly.
4000++ students doing 11 kinds of different cheers (totally 11 kolejs excluded 11th kolej is for pre-U) and ‘sub’ (shoot) other kolejs. Every kolej students followed their cheering manner, shouting as loud as possible, hard to imagine that wonderful moment!! Although everyone said that haluansiswa sucks because of blah blah blah reasons, they will not able to forget every moment of haluansiswa, for sure. I still remember ‘Lu shinchan!!!’ one of my kolej sub cheerings. I am from UM 8th kolej, kolej kediaman kinabalu.
Besides those cheering stuffs, there were lots of sports and art competitions during the progress of haluansiswa. I joined my kolej’s English debate team, although I know that my English speaking is not well, anyway, I just want to enhance my English level. Undoubtedly, with my ‘outstanding’ general knowledge, my kolej finally got 2nd runner-up. Frankly speaking, I quite missed the haluansiswa week. After this week, everything turns to normal, and officially I became a mahasiswa of
First week of kuliah feels very free, lecturers only giving introduction or briefing to those subjects. We first semester only can take 16 credit hours, therefore my schedule is quite ‘loose’. But, my kolej is damned far away from science faculty, approximately 1km, far like hell!!! All of my stamina depleted once I reach my dewan kuliah, so tired!!! Moreover, I have something to ‘shoot’ my stupid kolej!!! My 8th kolej really sucks!!!! I think that ‘refugee camps’ is the best term to describe my kolej. (My friend even describe it as ‘Nazi concentration camp’!!!!) You guys just imagine it how worse the situation is!!! A room for 3 residents, single bed one is for senior, then, a double-decked is for two juniors. Juniors are so pity, since they have to share a table and a wardrobe, so spaceless!!
The most unfortunate thing is, my damned kolej is promoting that what what ‘integrasi nasional’, so juniors have to share room with different races’ roommate. Ya, I didn’t mean anything, I also support government’s national integration policy, but sometimes not everything have to be integrated one. Amazingly, one day I carelessly put my Lotus Sutra (a Buddhism scripture) just next to his al-Quran, luckily it didn’t cause any misunderstanding.
The impressive scenery of my ‘dear’ kolej is our close relatives --- monkey!!!! The monkeys attack!!! Since my kolej located at a hill which surrounded by forest, so there are lots of wild animals ceroboh my kolejs oftentimes. Don’t think they are monkeys only, if their amount is more than 30, this is quite harmful to our human race. Those intruders conquer our basketball, badminton, and volleyball’s field, they also will invade our canteen area, climbing here and there, sometime they will enter our room too. So SCARY!!!!
Another thing, our meal is really sucks!!!! Firstly no spoon or fork provided. Secondly, there have no any alternative food besides spicy and fried!!! Thirdly, blah blah blah……. Etc etc.
This Wednesday, I been to 12th kolej for my dinner, finally I found my oasis there!!! 12th kolej is really a UM paradise, their environment is damned comfortable, a beautiful lake surrounded by greenie trees, their kolej buildings look like high cost condominiums. The most important thing is there are a great variety of food selection, e.g. Chinese mix food, chicken rice and etc etc… Besides that, 12th kolej has Cyber café, Clinic, and Safety department. Regarding the accomodation, 2 juniors who same race share a room. Our cochranean has 3 people staying there, there are Shi Ying (U6S3, studied Estate Management), Suet Leng (U6S1, studied Mathematics), and another also from U6S1 one, don’t know what her name. They are so so so lucky!! Unfortunately, the distance between 8th and 12th is extremely far, rougly 2km, otherwise, I will go there everyday!!!
Lastly, I joined the working committee of UM pesta tanglung, hopefully you guys who stay in KL can come to UM and give me some my moral supports in order to sustain me from ‘be killed’ in that the 8th concentration camp.
Yeah~~~~ HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) result released, I got Band 10!!!!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Here UM really unbearably terrible, everything worse than what i expected!!! Sigh~~~ Wat the 'Top U' of our country!? Before going to UM, I hav a wonderful picture of university's life in my mind, but, sadly, i found that i were dreaming~~!!!! UM looks like than a small OLD and UNORGANISED town rather than a 'U'!!!! Every buildings built in unplanned method, u will easily got sesak if u wandering in it.
Another worse things is my hostel is damned far from my faculty, more than 1KM!!!! Although there are shuttler bus service inside the U, i think also unpuntual one, sigh~~~ and somemore, my hostel very very very old, and i also have to share a room with a malay....
Okoklah, sebenarnya, sekarang i curi-curi online at comp lab, so take care, everyone~~~~~
all the best!!!!!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
ATTACK !!! GO GO GO !!!!!
So everyone is going out... Kenny (n bla bla) perhaps just off the plane and waiting at the waiting lounge in the airport.. KK n SS maybe still on bus to the state of turtle... e.l. to the south for UTM.. while H'ng Ee to the northest university of Malaysia.. everyone's splitting.. i watched football til 5am juz now.. couldn't sleep.. couldn't figure the reason why... hmm... maybe thinking of the destinations of my friends are heading now ??
will be on my own three weeks later.. it's the moment i have been waiting for... too excited.. but at the same time.. worried.. issit going to be what i've expected ?? issit going to go on smoothly like what i've planned ?? issit worth to spend so much (1,400 in local U compared to 14,000 in SG) ?? So many questions marks... but it resolved a moment later.. "LIFE IS SIMPLE. YOU MAKE DECISIONS AND YOU DON'T LOOK BACK." yup.. let me die with honor or let me glow in the dark sky... it's a risk i'm going to take... no turning back..
c you guys and ALL THE BEST !! Keep in touch !!! I'll update as soon as i got my pc ready in Singapore...