Sunday, September 24, 2006
Urgent!!! Help......!!!!! TITAS Project >>>>
Can u al help me to find any books n info bout "interaksi antara tamadun Cina dengan India dalam bidang kesenian" n send it to my email
Bsides,can u send 2gether da reference bout da books?
To kaito....can u help me to find it coz i saw ur blog last time was posted bout da TITAS wil u help me? 10s....
Hope to receive u al email soon!!!
10s a lot!!!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Average Daily Sleeping Rate : 13.07% = 3.1 H
Sunday (17th) - sleepless for my Physics Continual Assessment (CA), honestlty this was the most UNconfident subject ever, since I was a Biology student in my pre-tertiary level ... so basically other than the straight motion, for all those ANGULAR and whatever CIRCULAR ... what the hell is that!?!?!?? motion motion lah .. why move in circle so troublesome ... ... so with the heavy head (a little bit dizzy since i din really sleep on Saturday) i went for it .. before having the CA i attended 3 tutorials some more ... haha ... geng leh ... so by the time i got my questions .. WTF ... 10 multiple-choice questions in 30 minutes and it's open book test (i knew it lah... but need to read also mah.. or else u don't know where to refer) ... luckily it's applying and understanding concept ... ... and not much on angular ... (i don't know how i manage to answer it..haha i juz found any formula and just put it in... wth...)
Sleeping Hours : O H (til Monday morning)
Monday (18th) - my parents came down to Singapore ... to sign the Tuition Grant tomorrow (Tuesday) and so after my Physics CA I went to meet them. So good to see them. So after chores in my room (of course going back by my father's car!!! no more walking please!!) i went to their hotel (Nanyang Executive centre which is in my campus) ... wow .. it's so cool ... then i was like wandering around ... and went back to my room at 10pm ... i din sleep ... i played THE MOVIE (the game where you are the producer for the studio and try to run everything for the studio.. kinda fun so far... i'm No. 1 studio in town!!) and only i realised it was 2.30am ... din really sleep well ... oh ya i din mention that i skipped one evening class to stay with my parents .. haha ...
Sleeping Hours : 5 H (til Tuesday morning)
Sleeping Hours : 5 H (til Wednesday morning)
Wednesday (20th) - restless ... my eyes so heavy that i could sleep by the moment i shut my eyes... GENG leh ... until that level ... from 0830-1530 were classes (2 hours rest in between) ... and classes ... the CA was on 1630H ... ... it was fun ... MANAGEMENT ... test on theories and common sense ... yeah ... i guess i did it quite ok ... then we had a short FORUM with some guys from various sectors ... (sorry but I really must make some comment here: WHAT THE HECK... MANY STUDENTS LEFT THE MOMENT THE QUIZ FINISH SINCE IT IS NOT COMPULSORY TO ATTEND THE FORUM BUT ACTUALLY IT WAS!!! SINCE IT WAS ONE OF THE LECTURE ACTIVITIES... FROM FULL LECTURE HALL WHILE TAKING THE QUIZ DOWN TO 30% OR LESS... WHAT KIND OF STUDENTS ARE THEY?? ARE THEY LEARNING?? OR SIMPLY JUST STUDYING FOR THE TEST?!? WHAT THE WORLD BECOMING TO?? SOMETIMES I REALLY FOUND THAT THE STUDENTS HERE HAVE NO QUALITY.. I DIDN'T SAY I GOT QUALITY BUT AT LEAST SHOW SOME RESPECT TO THE LECTURER... ANYWAY I DON'T WANT TALK MUCH HERE I WOULD COMMENT IN AN INDEPENDENT POST LATER...)
got a very touching management speaker from Salvation Army ... it is a Christian organisation but their main objective is to lead the youngster back to their normal life. I was very emotional the time I heard him sharing his stories ... and why him ??? Why I remember about him?? haha .. His name is HARY HARAN ... hahaha ... ... familiar ? (by the way to new readers/friends, i got a friend which was used to be my debate teamate, his name is HARIHARAN) haha ... but it was very meaningful talk ... ... a very good style of management ... regardless of the money ... really ... touching and thought-provoking ...
Tomorrow got Biology CA ... so how ?? i tell you about my plan ... I plan to sleep at 10pm (the time i got back to my hostel) and asked my roomate to wake me up at 2am so that i can study ... well... he did wake me up ... but by the time i really watching the clock it was 9am ... WTF??!? Yeah ... he did wake me up at 2am ... i went back sleeping again... ... hahaha .... so basically i din revise much for my Biology and the whole day was to hentam and hentam ...
Sleeping Hours : 5 + (11) = 16 H (spoiled my record... i expect less than this)
Thursday (21st) - So I went for my last Maths Class (very noise which is what i wanted to talk about in my next post) and took my Life Science CA ... ... i got 27 out of 35 ... ... well i din really expect since i din really study but ya know lah ... i was very greedy one mah ... ... so not really satisfied .. if i din sleep maybe ... ... so basically until now i was doing other stuff and calling people from my block to go watch movie marathon held by Junior College Recreational Councel .. (JCRC) i dunno whether i spelled it correctly but who cares ... juz tat i am the block rep so i need to do the stuff but it was very funny and good .. imagine you met someone you know very well and she is just living above you ... hahaha ... and got the chance to see every faces ... ... got leng lui leh ... from China.. Malaysia also got ... ... hahaha ... got chance i show you all !! so i INTENDed not to sleep lah today .. since I'm gong back to Malaysia tomorrow 5.30pm ... well too long right ?? i better stop ...
Sleeping Hours : 16 H
(from Sunday 17th to now Friday 22nd 0212H)
Total Hours : 122 H
Sleeping Rate : 13%
Performance Rate : 87%
Average Daily Sleeping Rate : 13.07% = 3.1 H
So anyone wanna hire me ?? The above stats shows that I can work restless!!! Some more taking exam between the above period!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
The United Science 2: July 2006
Hi gals/guys!!!!!!!!! Hw ya human bein doin????????????? Long time din on9 d….
Nw finis midterm xm….so mz play ‘kau kau’!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was my 1st day 4 d voluntary work at my borneo marine research institute. So fun!!!! My job was 2 cut d fish n cuttlefish into small pieces, then climb up d stairs 2 d big tank n feed d fishes in our aquarium!!! Since now after exam adi, I plan 2 go 4 d voluntary work every wed(d voluntary work is on every wed). Indirectly I can learn thgs oso. Guess wat? I learned fr d staff I work wif yesterday tat ppl travelling 2 sabah do com 2 visit UMS!!! It’s in their itinerary!!!! Visit our aquarium oso!!!!!!!! Yesterday there was a grp of Korean ppl. So happen I was doin d voluntary work. Haha!! D tour guide 1 2 visit our aquarium but d worker doesn’t allow bcos is under renovation. So not nice 2 let ppl in, nt nice rite??? Water in d tank were cloudy, etc. 1 word -not nice lah. No gud rite if ppl com all d way fr Korea but let them see so ugly thg. But somehow d tour guide manage 2 talked over it. So there were many Koreans in d aquarium. 1 of them chat wif us. Fr my institute v hav 2 walk haf km 2 catch d bus( bus dun fetch us till there!!!!!!!!). Wat happen is when v walk haf way, d bus 4 d grp of Korean past by, so v try our luck n wave 4 d bus 2 tumpang us. Luckily d bus driver was gud, he let us in. N d Korean ppl get so excited, my frens, seniors n I wanted 2 stand in front of d bus bcos we’ll get down very soon, but d Korean ppl keep insisting us 2 seat at d empty places. V ‘raised white flag’ n at last took a seat. Ppl sittin around us then started 2 chat wif us. There was an aunty kept on smiling at us n very weird, look/observe us fr head 2 toe, then toe to head again n again. Haha!!!!! Wat a memorable day day!!!!!!!
Tis fri is my swimming test!!!!!!!!! Jump fr 5m platform is 1 of them…. COOL man!!!!!!!!! Is lyk commit suicide!!!!!! Very FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
me in sabah*
wee~ i finally got the chance to post in our class blog!! hehe currently having almost 1 month break after a lOOooong semester in HELP doing psychology..[not that long actually]...hehe then, will be starting class again in october...
laying back and enjoying days of doing nothing at home..get together with friends...making*
for the last few weeks, i was involve in this Samsung road show which brought me to KK, SABAH!! on 18th of august 2006...and guess what people!??! i met up with Kenny, Kem Maw, Chee Kuen, Chui ling and ...[im soo sorry i forgotten her name] ..a girl from science 3.... it was soo exciting..[ i mean, how many of us can meet frens from other state]... we met at Center Point Kota Kinabalu during dinner time...and had dinner at KFC. hehe... although it was a short meet coz i had to work [it was about 1/2 hour or so only, i stayed quite far from their campus] , it was really great seeing them again!! missing them soo much now*
heres a picture of us!!
nice rite?? hehe really hope to see them again.. they are doing pretty fine there, too bad i couldnt meet up with sue yee coz she had night classes..
neway, till next time~
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Liberty, Democracy and Justice
Putra World Trade Centre a.k.a. PWTC, undeniably, is a familiar landmark to every Malaysian, especially those KLites, like us. Previously, the reasons for me to go there were never out of those PC fairs, Edu fairs, or Malta Tour fairs, but, 15 September 2006, these remarkable day totally broke my history… Ohhya~~~ a little bit of advertisement: HAPPY TO MY DEAR FRIEND WHO STRUGGLING FOR HIS AMBITION IN THE CITY OF LION, BOON MING, sorry for my belated birthday greeting, trueheartedly wished you may all your dreams come true…. Ok, back to my story… the weather of KL on 15 September was pretty good, not that warm as normal time, but at PWTC, the peaceful climate of there have a bit changed. That time, I was there…
Frankly, this was my first time I did those ‘illegal’ thing, quoted a police officer’s word: “Tindakan you semua memang salah!!!” Anyway, I can tell you guys honestly, I will never regret for those so called ‘guilt’ that I did last Friday. I certainly know that this action is risky and would probably bring me into loads of troublesome, fortunately, it haven’t happen yet…
Before moving to PWTC, my heart have achieved a record-breaking high beat rate, I tried to calm myself down and think deeply and comprehensively whether my next step would be correct or not. Honestly, that time I really worried the Tiananmen tragedy would happen on me; squelched until become a pizza by tanks, blood was splashed to everywhere like chili sauces….. I was scared!!! But, at the same time, in somewhere deep corner of my heart, I saw my great shadows occurred, they are Dr. Sun Yatsen, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela etc etc. Indistinctly, I heard they are saying something,
I followed my few seniors of UMANY (UM Association of New Youth), they are very kind, helpful, knowledgeable and full of just and righteous as well, and treat me well since I am the youngest among them. Some of them are veterans of UM Chinese debate team who have made a lot of reputation on stage. We reached the mall at about 3, then attended an gathering at the food court. Wow, there were approximately 100 over students sitting there, mostly Malay. Although everyone came from different race and creed, for certain, that time we were having a same goal, a same ambition….
Later, a big group of Chinese students came, they came from UPM, they are UPM Chinese language society a.k.a. Bo Hua 博华, this society is being viewed as ‘terrorists’ and highly suppressed by UPM campus authority. Please support their struggle!!! Finally, everyone came and started our ‘long’ march to PWTC. OK, now I tell our mission, that is DEMANDING FREE AND FAIR CAMPUS ELECTION and ABOLISH THE UUCA a.k.a. AUKU (universities and universities-colleges act 大专法令).
One thing that I have to clarify first, we were not going to protest against the government in violent way, but peaceful demanding 和平请愿, and sending our memorandum to our dear Tok Pa, the higher education minister, Mustapa who was having his meeting inside the building. We are mahasiswa, the future pillar of the society, we are definitely not just a learning machine that care nothing of our chaotic society. We not shouted just for show or merely want to make our appearances in media, we were there because we want our deserved basic human right that seize by our beloved campus authority. We still have a lot of assignment yet to be done, but if compared to Free and Fair, it is nothing!!!
I was inside...
The peaceful gathering was held by Solidariti Mahasiswa
Our purpose of peaceful gathering was to seek a dialogue with Mustapa on retifying the malpractices and abuses of previous campus election. We know
2 hours later…..
3 hours later…..
Our representatives returned peacefully, we eagerly wanted to know the answer, but sadly, there was NEGATIVE. More appropriate to say that was
Next week, Sept 21 is polling day for the 2006/2007 campus elections which will be held simultaneously at all public universities, so my dear friends who studying in public universities, for the sake of liberty, democracy and justice, please use your ballot wisely, say NO to those puppet of campus authority!!! If you guys are threatened to vote somebody, you have the right to make a report to police, since we are living in a democratic society…
Guys, please read this!!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
There are two photos we took during the gathering published on TV for this entire week...
So if you guys wanna see yourself on tv...
Check out Channel 71 on Astro...
Singaporeans check out MTV lor...
The programme is called mobbed and it runs for 10 minutes...
The Timing...
Wed: 12:50am 9:00am 1:50pm 7:20pm
Thurs: 8:00am 2:30pm
Fri: 12:50am 9:00am 1:50pm 7:20pm
Sat: 8:00am 12:20pm
Sun: 12:50am 8.00am
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Looking for backpackers ...
ok .. here's how i think .. i wanna go backpack .. and it would most probably be Cambodia or Phillipines .. (maybe to KK in late June) so my idea is anyone wanna go ? you can book the ticket youself .. so don't want to mess up later afraid someone say dun wan to go after i book the tickets ... be hurry coz the cheap fares normally will not be available after Friday ...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Field Trip to Kent Ridge.. by Wai Jin
last friday was my 1st field trip.. the announcement stated..
please wear long pants,long sleeves shirt.. bring along ur insect repellant, umbrella n rain coat(in case we have a bad weather), sunblock, walkable shoes... etc....
ok.. so fr my point of view, we r going to a forestry area.. which is sumhow like a jungle trekking.. so i was kinda excited.. but i dont have long sleeves shirt.. so i was quite worried is it fine to wear short sleeves shirt..coz scare the branches or torns might hurt me.. but in the end i dun care la, just wear the short sleeves one..
then when i reached the lab (we r required to gather at the lab), then i saw.. WAH, sum even wear sleeveless shirt.. short pants.. slippers.. walau.. go forest wear like tat.. geng man...
then nvm lo.. so off we go.. then u noe wat? the so called forestry area is just behind my science faculty.. wait wait.. it's not a forestry area.. it's just a lot of trees along the roadside.. there's a BIG tar road for u to walk.. i was laughing like mad n told my malaysian fren.. wah.. this is a forest ar? hahahahhahaha..
this is singapore.. i was expecting sumthing really like a forest.. or at least got sum mud or soil path.. but.. it's a tar road.. oh my god.. this is really an eye opener. .hahaha..
then i dun hav mood d.. totally bored... look at those plants.. which we had seen quite a lot during out form 6 plants collecting project..
so this is an 'exciting' field trip.. coz i really laughed for quite a long time oni settled down.. imagine.. ask us to bring insect repellant n wear long sleeve shirt.. i think wear short pants n slippers n sleeveless is a wise choice...
so the conclusion.. singapore ppl do not follow the rules except if stated, u r fined if u dun do so..
another conclusion is that, singapore is really forest-less i guess.. hahahhahaha...
ok.. tat's all from me.. ^^
*SU SIN SiNi~backie






Friday, September 08, 2006
Pictures... fr Wai Jin
NUS central library.. the biggest library here..
NUS Engineering Faculty... just part of it of course.. cant take the whole fac..
Singapore's postbox... nothing special.. but i just took this pic for fun.. hehehehe...
the world's largest fountain in Suntec City Singapore.. called fountain of wealth i think... where u can go n make wish by walking 3 rounds while touching the water around the small fountain inside.. of course that time there wont be water spilling out fr top.. ^^
this is the same fountain at night.. u can dedicate message to sumone.. then it'll be displayed on there.. see it's so nice.. if u wanna tell sumone u like him/her, this is the right place.. hahaha.. coz a lot of ppl post such msg on.. hehehe...
Advertisement? yes it's advertisement!! on the road... cool eh.. hehehehhee...
ok.. this is me.. i have my hall formal dinner.. but in my dining hall... so weird.. see i dress like a primary student.. black n white.. coz it's compulsory black n white... -.-"
ok tat's all from me now.. the next post i'll say bout my field trip to sum forestry area.. my biodiversity practical... ^^
take care guys....
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The Ultimate Gathering Experience....
8 U6Sc2-ians embarked on this gathering carrying hopes of "just a time to meet friends and all"... but to their surprise, they said, I quote, "This is how a real gathering should be" (May Hwa) unquote...
So here we are at 11 am going for our usual tradition of attending a karaoke session... and Malaysians being Malaysians, not everyone is on time... Su Sin and May Hwa is the latest... (As if me and Irene is very early....)
The Sing-A-Long... May Hwa dunno so just smile lor...
The Happy Family sing, sing, sing, sing....
So the 8 of us sing, sang sung the songs that we have always loved... But today, we missed singing our favourite "Geng Gor Kam Khuk".
But that was just the begining...
The Bowling Sessions were the best...
We went into Ampang Bowling and we started to bowl...
The handsome young lads against the pretty "petty" ladies of U6Sc2...
Su Sin when she play bowling also want to fight for the ball that match her baju
The way to stare at the Score board is like so....
King Kong stlye...
Double Trouble stlye
"I dunno how my leg can this" stlye